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Such Short Supply

2003 Winner

Thank you to all our participants. We enjoyed reading everyone's manuscripts and wish you success with your work.

We are proud to announce that the winner for the 2003 Concrete Wolf Chapbook Contest: Such Short Supply by Michelle Brooks.

We would like to acknowledge the following finalists:

1st Runner Up
2nd Runner Up
3rd Runner Up
Martha Miller
Mark Terrill
Edward McManis
Honorable Mention

In addition, we would like to award Honorable Mention to the following entrants:

Louis E. Bourgeois
Nancy Brady Cunningham
Young Dawkins
Deborah DeNicola
Bettie Anne Doebler
Livio Farallo
Gayle Elen Harvey
Jeanne Kent
Mary Ann Larkin
Margo Mariana
Candice Rowe
Ellen Beth Siegel