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2024 Winner: Jennifer Saunders, Tumor Moon

Jennifer Saunders

Jennifer Saunders

Tumor Moon by Jennifer Saunders has been selected as the winner of the 2024 Concrete Wolf Chapbook Award.

Judge’s Remarks: “The push of the poems move you through this very unified work, the elegant and surprising mix of medical/scientific language blended with ordinary images, the emotion in each one. Each poem builds a crescendo you feel with the poet. There are a variety of forms to fit the specific subject of each poem that startle with both bluntness and eloquence. Not usually a fan of medical/disease themed works, this one won me with its cool honesty and deftly articulated sentiment without sentimentality. You are with this woman and her son as she navigates their experience. And the conclusion is that there is no end point in this endeavor, only a resolve to move forward. Each time I read this, I loved it all over again!”
Raphael Kosek, author of American Mythology

Jennifer Saunders is the author of Self Portrait with Housewife (Tebot Bach, 2019), winner of the Clockwork Chapbook Prize, and co-editor of the Stained anthology (Querencia Press 2023). Recipient of the 2020 Gregory O'Donoghue International Poetry Prize, Jennifer's work has appeared in The Georgia Review, Ninth Letter, Poet Lore, Southword, and elsewhere. If she's not writing or reading, Jennifer is probably at the ice rink.

2nd place

Rorschach by Irene Sherlock

Judge’s remarks: In Rorschach, the poet takes you on a journey where you feel and grow with the poems that you are being let into this other world and learning so much about it in subtle, pared down language that never judges its subjects.
Raphael Kosek, author of American Mythology

3rd place

Ping! By Cathryn Essinger

Judge’s remarks: Ping! offers the reader delight and humor in its wise and sometimes wistful poems that make us see her subjects so freshly.
Raphael Kosek, author of American Mythology

2024 Finalists
Seeking Joni
The Children are Crying and a Dog’s at the Door
Playing the Field
A Question of Light
Rust and Slag
Cracking Open the Bones
The Field Mouse’s Child
time marches on
Shawn Aveningo-Sanders
Sarah Browning
Judith Waller Carroll
Kathleen Ellis
Tim Gillespie
Terry Godbey
Peggy Heitmann
Ken Holland
Louhi Pohjola
Penelope Scambly Schott
Wally Swist
Michelle Trantham
Honorable Mention
R.J. Beglebing
Martha Brenkle
James Broschart
Alyx Chandler
Charles Cobean
Kira Cordova
John Cullen
Nancy Defoe
Margo Davis
Kelly Dolejsi
Sandra Fees
Amanda Hiland
Ellen Lawrence
Katharyn Machan
Jed Myers
Lauren Oertel
Thomas Patterson
T R Poulson
Seth Rosenbloom
Micah Ruelle
Bradley Samore
Alix Stolis
Patricia Sullivan
J. Thelin
Timothy Vincent
Martin Willitts Jr.