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Rough Grace


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2014 Winner

We are proud to announce that the Winner of the 2014 Concrete Wolf Chapbook Competition has been selected by our final judge, Nancy Pagh. This year's winner is Raphael Helena Kosek of Hopewell Junction, NY, for her manuscript Rough Grace.

First: Kristin Berkey-Abbott
Second: Rob Carney
Third: James Scruton
Life in the Holocene Extinction
Thirteen Moons
Crossing the Days
Paul David Adkins
J. L. Conrad
Christine Holland Cummings
Jo Angela Edwins
Christine Hamm
Mariana Hofer
Holly Karapetkova
Carolyn Moore
Busting the Beautiful Cage
Not If But When
Cooking Like Poetry
Brown Horse with a Paper Horn
Small Beauty, Potential Heartbreaker
The Sweat of Bees
The Flea Circus of Time and Solitude
Tina Barr
Constance Boyle
DeWitt Clinton
Iris Jamahl Dunkle
Casey Fuller
Adam Funk
Thomas Griffin
Mark Jenkins
Brad Johnson
Vanessa Couto Johnson
Linda Lancione
Sandra Larson
Steve Lautermilch
Derek Lazarski
Keith Moul
Jed Myers
Mercedes O’Leary
Ramona Itule-Patigian
Mary Anne Perez
Tom Raithel
Lynn Sadler
Betty Scott
Sharon Scholl
Allison Thorpe
Sara Wagner
Alice Weiss
Richard Widerkehr
Patrick Williams
Sarah Ann Winn
Amy Wright
Dylan Youngers
James Zimmerman
Honorable Mention
Jia Oak Baker
Judith Waller Carroll
Kent Chadwick
Michael Collins
James Dott
Victoria Givotovsky
Ed Granger
Lois Grunwald
Milla van der Have
Ruth Moon Kempher
Elizabeth Kerlikowske
Donald Levering
Bruce Lowry
Tracy Mishkin
James O’Leary
Winnona Pasquini
Jeremy Peden
Angela Penaredondo
Robert Perchan
Gordon Preston
Michael Prior
Teresa Robertson
Renee Rossi
Scott T. Starbuck
Linda Stryker
David Sullivan
John Thelin
Peggy Trojan
Karen Vande Bossche