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2017 Winner

Patty Crane

We are proud to announce that the Winner of the 2017 Concrete Wolf Chapbook Competition has been selected by our final judge, Natasha Kochicheril Moni.

This year's winner is Patty Crane of Windsor, MA, for her manuscript something flown.

Natasha writes:

"I love this chapbook's play with form/formlessness, the way in which the poem builds upon itself creating its own mythology, offering visual space, breath. The author has given the reader so many reasons to read and reread this book.

Enter something flown to witness the poetics of transformation, how bird becomes X, daughter—a world, where 'the invisible rides on the back of the visible.' Suspend what you know about origins. Lean into what can or cannot be captured, while you fall completely for Patty Crane’s exquisite debut lyric of profound and controlled grace."

Patty's web site:

Patty Crane’s poems and translations have appeared in numerous literary journals, including The Massachusetts Review,West Branch, Blackbird, PEN Poetry Series, and New York Times Magazine. She lives in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts.

"Hope,’ said Dickinson, 'is the thing with feathers.' Patty Crane’s sequence seeks to embody this assertion, and follows in the tradition of grandly inquisitive lyric explorations such as Ammons' 'Corson’s Inlet' and Williams' 'Spring and All.' Crane fixes a steady gaze on the shifting and too-often inscrutable patterns of the natural world—and always with the goal of transforming description into revelation. This is lyric poetry of the highest order, work of inscape and insight, work that dazzles and instructs."

—David Wojahn, author of For the Scribe

Excerpt from something flown


A flock of snow flies up
                   in a vortex of light
and the eye says
                                tiny white moths

        Yes: the invisible rides on the back
          of the visible           and this day
                                          is struck with itself

Even the long aches of shadows shine out
                                           as they reach
                 to be not shadow anymore       but tree:
                                                                      tree tree    tree

   A bird on the feeder
                            a world upside down:

     Blink             and the bird
          never left
                                             here then gone
                                                then here again

        When I close my eyes
              the world         stands still

          I am the blink

Something Flown


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2017 Runners-Up
2nd Place: Glenn Freeman
3rd Place: Kevin Miller
4th Place: C.W. Emerson
Drinking with O’Hara
Smoke and Miracles
The Impossible Time
2017 Finalists
Rana Bitar
Sarah Carey
Sarah Freligh
Tony Howarth
Susan Doble Kaluza
Susanna Lang
Deborah Murphy
Jed Myers
Anna Weaver
Martin Willits Jr.
Jacqueline Young
A Loaf of Bread
The Serving Wench
Songs of Deliverance
Rotary Dial
The Wire Said
All Wars Are the Same War
The Distance Formula
2017 Semi-Finalists
Ronald A. Busse
Jim Churchill-Dicks
Amy Elisabeth Davis
Anna De Vaul
Jean Esteve
Laura Foley
Red Hawk
Lynn Houston
Lucas Jacob
David Kann
Ruth Moon Kempher
John Laue
Steve Lautermilch
Katharyn Howd Machan
Elizabeth Majures
Suzanne Rogier Marshall
Susan Miller
John Noland
Robert Okaji
Thomas Patterson
Ethan Pennington
Melva Sue Priddy
Cathy Porter
Sam Seskin
Tim Sherry
Judith Skillman
Philip St. Clair
Edwina Trentham
Patrick Williams
Sally Zakariya
Honorable Mention
Walker Abel
Patricia Brody
Sarah Cooper
James Dott
Lydia-Laquatra Fesler
Jan C. Grossman
Cindy M. Hutchings
Marilyn Johnston
John N. Miller
Irene Mitchell
Nancy Owen Nelson
Sylvia Byrne Pollack
Tracey Saloman
Sharon E. Svendsen
Allison Thorpe
Connie Zumpf